Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I think my poor son is bored outta his mind at home with my mil. A couple of evenings ago when I was changing him into his pajamas ready for bedtime, I asked, "So, did you go out today?" He replied in a bored monotonous voice, "Noooo....", turned away and tried walking off. I asked him again, "No? No even downstairs for a walk?" He replied in the same old bored monotonous voice, "Noooo..." I could even hear a sigh coming out at the end of his reply. That was when I know that yes, he should do something other than staying at home on weekdays.

Last evening as I was showering him, I asked, "Do you wanna go school?" His eyes brightened up and said, "Yes!" I wondered if he knew what "school" was, so I told him, "School has kids like you, and teacher you know? Then you will play, sing song and colour there while Dad Dad & Ma Ma go work, ok?" He replied with as much enthusiasm, "Yes!" Haha... well, we will know if he likes it when he really attends one then.

Daryl and I have taken leave to go on his playgroup recee tomorrow. Hopefully we can find somewhere which he enjoys going to, and have fun!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sleep Over

Since 4 months ago, Randall has refused sleeping over at mil's house on Fri nights (our usual practice since he was born). So, when he volunteered to sleep over at my mum's house (which he has never done so before) last Sat after my brother's birthday dinner, you can imagine our disbelief. Initially, we just thought that he did not have enough fun yet so we brought him to Toa Payoh Hub for a walk. But he was insistent about going to my mum's house and when we asked him a few times, "Go home Choa Chu Kang ok?", He went, "Go Toa Payoh!" So we had to buy his milk powder and neccessities from Kiddy Palace for him to stay over. That night, he did not have a hard time sleeping though he tossed and turned abit. We suspected his reason for wanting to stay over was cos he wanted to play with my brother and his girlfriend. Haha... At such young age, it is already not difficult to see his playfulness! Well, I guess it's a win-win situation since we can have our breaks too.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Poor Randall has been coughing with lotsa phlegm the past few days. I think the medication he took induced him to cough out his phlegm. So, in the middle of his sleep last nite, he woke up crying and finally vomitted the phlegm out (of course, together with his dinner). Unfortunately, I didn't manage to catch hold of everything and some of it splashed on Daryl who was carrying him then. While we were cleaning up, he looked apologetically at his Dad Dad and his t-shirt and commented, "Dirty already... I clean for you". Hee... how could we bear to reprimand him since it wasn't his intention to vomit on his poor Dad? We just assured him that it was ok and it was good that he puked out his phlegm.